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HW3 - Create a GitHub Page

In this assignment we are going to shift gears and work with some GitHub services beyond just simple repository hosting. Github is very popular in the open source community so it is very likely that you will have to interact with the service at some point in your career.

This assignment will create your own GitHub page so you can showcase any open source work that you do. This is a great way to build a portfolio so you can land that high paying $$$ job when you graduate!

  1. Watch the introduction video

  2. Work through the hello world tutorial on GitHub.

  3. Work through the getting started with github pagestutorial

    NOTE: In the step above the file _config.yml may not be automatically created. So you will have to create it yourself and add it to your repository 😃

  4. Read the mastering markdown tutorial

  5. Publish your GitHub page!

You can see an example of what you need to submit at:


It can take up to 10 - 30 minutes for your GitHub page to be live!  Your page will not instantly update when published. It is your responsibility to make sure your page publishes correctly. You will not get credit for submitting a link to your github repo! You must submit a link to your published github page which should be in the form

There is no cost to publish a page so you do not need to pay GitHub or any other company money to complete this assignment!


To get credit for this assignment please submit the URL to your published page to the canvas assignment. Your grade will be updated after the due date (and late window) have passed.

Released under the MIT License.