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Git Basics

This module will introduce all of the basic git commands. It is important to understand the basic commands because all the advanced commands build on the basics, so take your time to make sure you really understand what is going on under the hood as best as possible.


This section takes an estimated 3-4 hours. The reading assignments below are intended to give you some background knowledge before you attempt the hands-on labs. Once you have completed the reading linked below, log into the canvas site and take the associated quiz.


This section takes an estimated 3-4 hours.

  • Complete the module reading quiz (Canvas)
  • Complete the hands-on lab (Canvas)

Retrospective - Class Interaction

This section takes an estimated 2-3 hours. This includes the time required to create your own video/discussion post and then watch/read posts from other students and your instructor.

  • Complete the module retrospective assignment (Canvas)

Released under the MIT License.