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Git Introduction

Version control is everywhere. For example, Google Docs has a way to check or revert to earlier file versions. Git, however, is a LOT more powerful than what Google Docs provides. In this module, we will learn the basics of how to use Git when developing software.


This section takes an estimated 3-4 hours.


This section takes an estimated 3-4 hours. The time commitment in this module can vary widely because you will be downloading and installing tools, which can take more time depending on your personal computing configuration.

  • Complete the module reading quiz (Canvas)
  • Complete the hands-on lab (Canvas)

Retrospective - Class Interaction

This section takes an estimated 2-3 hours. This includes the time required to create your own video or discussion post and then watch and read posts from other students and your instructor.

  • Complete the module retrospective assignment (Canvas)

Released under the MIT License.