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Branching and Merging

This module will introduce two powerful concepts, branching and merging. Git provides a solid set of commands that allows developers to work on several different versions of the code at once. These distinct versions are called branches. Branches may consist of a new feature, a bug that you need to isolate, or numerous other reasons to create a separate branch of code. We will leverage Git’s fantastic branching and merging features in this module.


This section takes an estimated 3-4 hours.

While the reading workload is less than other modules, these concepts are by far the most difficult to understand, so take your time. It will be worth it!


This section takes an estimated 3-4 hours.

  • Complete the module reading quiz (Canvas)
  • Complete the hands-on lab (Canvas)

Retrospective - Class Interaction

This section takes an estimated 2-3 hours. This includes the time required to create your own video or discussion post and then watch and read posts from other students and your instructor.

  • Complete the module retrospective assignment (Canvas)

Released under the MIT License.