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Address Spaces

  • OS was a set of routines (a library) that sat in memory at address 0
  • One running program
  • Systems were simple!

early os

Multiprogramming and Time Sharing

  • Multiple processes were ready to run at a given time
  • Multiple people sharing one system
  • Time sharing the hardware
  • Systems became interactive!

time share

The Address Space

address space

Virtualize Memory

  • The OS must virtualize the memory
  • All process can’t start at 0!
  • But all process think they do?

Memory Quiz

In class exercise! For all the following slides you will be shown a snippet of code and will need to determine where the variable lives.

  • Data
  • Heap
  • Stack
int *A;
 void foo(int* bar, int len){
     A = malloc(sizeof(int)*len);
     /*...some code*/
 void main(int argc, char **argv){
     int length =10; int i; int bar[length];
     foo(&bar[0], length);
     /*...some code*/
  • Length
  • bar (in foo)
  • bar (in main)
  • bar[0]
  • argc
  • *A (dereference A)

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