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I/O Devices

system arch

Modern System (intel)

modern arch

A Canonical Device



  • Polling the device
  • Interrupts


While (STATUS == BUSY)
; // wait until device is not busy
Write data to DATA register
Write command to COMMAND register
(starts the device and executes the command)
While (STATUS == BUSY)
; // wait until device is done with your request
  • Issues with this approach?


  • Instead of polling the device repeatedly, the OS can issue a request, put the calling process to sleep, and context switch to another task
  • When the device is finally finished with the operation, it will raise a hardware interrupt, causing the CPU to jump into the OS at a predetermined interrupt service routine (ISR) or more simply an interrupt handler.





Methods Of Device Interaction

  • Explicit I/O instructions -These instructions specify a way for the OS to send data to specific device registers and thus allow the construction of the protocols described above.

  • Memory mapped I/O. With this approach, the hardware makes device registers available as if they were memory locations. To access a particular register, the OS issues a load (to read) or store (to write) the address; the hardware then routes the load/store to the device instead of main memory.

Fitting Into The OS: The Device Driver


Released under the MIT License.