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  • Pretty much everything runs on top of an operating system
  • The OS is the ultimate target
  • Subvert the OS and nothing else matters!

What Are We Protecting?

  • examine or alter any process’s memory
  • read, write, delete or corrupt any file
  • change the scheduling or even halt execution of any process
  • send any message to anywhere
  • enable or disable any peripheral device give any process access to any other process’s resources
  • arbitrarily take away any resource a process controls
  • respond to any system call with a maximally harmful lie


  • Trusted Platform Module - provided assurance that you were booting the version of the operating system you intended to, protecting you from attacks that tried to boot compromised versions of the system.
  • Not perfect just raises the degree of difficultly when cracking a system.

Goals of the OS

  • Confidentiality -If some piece of information is supposed to be hidden from others, don’t allow them to find it out.
  • Integrity - If some piece of information or component of a system is supposed to be in a particular state, don’t allow an adversary to change it
  • Availability - If some information or service is supposed to be available for your own or others' use, make sure an attacker cannot prevent its use.

Secure Programming

  • C is working against us!
  • SDL

Zero Days

Released under the MIT License.