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In this assignment, you will need to make a presentation of your work. The length of the presentation will be based on how many students are enrolled in the class and will be announced well before the due date. A good talk will include a clear statement of the problem you are studying, a discussion of how you went about investigating the problem and the results.

Teams will be randomly ordered on presentation day(s) so if you are late to class you could miss your time slot. Students can not request to go first or last. While minor technical difficulties are expected and will not impact your grade, it is expected that students make their presentation as robust as possible, a minor glitch should not tank your entire presentation. Here are some tips to ensure you have a smooth experience:


  1. Make sure your presentation is available in multiple formats. For example you should upload your presentation to your google drive account and copy it to a flash drive.

  2. Make sure you have all the correct dongles to connect to the projector. If you have a Mac with only thunderbolt connectors you need to make sure you bring what is necessary to hook into the projectors. If you show up to class on presentation day and you can’t connect to the projectors because you don’t have the correct dongles your grade may be impacted!

  3. Make sure your laptop is charged! Make sure you have your charger with you. If you are running windows make sure you have updates paused and reboot your computer to make sure everything is working.

  4. Test your setup in the classroom before the presentation day to make sure everything works. Your instructor can arrange time for you to test your setup in the classroom, it is strongly encouraged that teams take advantage of this!

  5. The only thing that should stop you from presenting is a power outage, so plan accordingly!

  6. If the presentations are done remotely using zoom make sure that you have a reliable internet connection and a quiet place to present.

  7. All students must have their cameras on if the presentations are over zoom. If students don’t have a camera they must notify the instructor before presentations are due!

NOTE: When presentations are done over zoom students will not be penalized for tech issues that are outside of their control such as bandwidth problems, dropped connections, etc. This rubric was derived from an example at Purdue University.

Released under the MIT License.