Software Engineering Research
A list of conferences in the field of software engineering. Conferences are ranked by the CORE ranking and are either A*, A, B, or C. Every conference has a different focus, so it is important to read the call for papers to see if your research fits the conference. Delft University of Technology has developed and maintains a website called that a lot of conferences use to manage their conferences.
Top Conferences (A*)
- ICSE - International Conference on Software Engineering
- FSE - Foundations of Software Engineering
- ASE - Automated Software Engineering
- ISSTA - International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
Other Conferences (A)
- ICPC - International Conference on Program Comprehension
- SANER - Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering
- MSR - Mining Software Repositories
- ICSME - International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- ESEM - Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement
- EASE - Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering